About us

The mission of the Association of Mobile Network Operators (in Czech APMS) is to create optimal conditions for the development of telecommunications infrastructure in the Czech Republic.

Since 2003, we have been supporting the development of a fair and open market environment based on the principles of competition.

We see a high-quality and widely available telecommunications infrastructure as a necessary basis for the successful development of the Czech economy and the competitiveness of the Czech Republic.

The founding members of APMS are O2 Czech Republic, a.s., T-Mobile Czech Republic, a.s. and Vodafone Czech Republic, a.s.

Logos of our members:

The Team

He represents the Association externally and is responsible for the implementation of the long-term strategy. At the same time, he manages and coordinates the activities of the Board of Directors and the individual working groups.

Jiří Grund started his professional career while studying at university, when he earned a living as a journalist with a focus on information technology. He then headed to Microsoft, where he managed marketing and communications for 7 years. He subsequently held similar roles at the Ministry of Defence and Czech Radio Communications. For the last 7 years he has been successfully developing his own consulting company Grucon. Since 2017, he has been supporting the creation of a better environment for building telecommunications infrastructure in the Czech Republic in the colors of APMS. Jiří studied strategic management in MSc and MBA programs. In his free time, he enjoys biking.

Board of Directors
It is the statutory body of the Association and is accountable for its activities to the General meeting. It is composed of three members and consists of nominated representatives representing companies of regular members. The members of the APMS Board of Directors are:
Richard Stonavský
Martin Orgoník
Miloš Koděra

Documents for download:

Adherence to service codes is binding on all service and goods providers who allow their customers to pay for the purchase of one of the payments covered by the pay mobile brand. Any breach of these rules by the provider is punished in accordance with the relevant business agreements of which the service codes are a part.

Download service codes


Asociace provozovatelů mobilních sítí
Karlovo náměstí 317/5, 128 00 Praha 2
ID: 75118891
Data box: nn7uc3f
For media